Online Sentence Checker Overview
The popularity of using online sentence paraphraser software tools has got deeper traction in a wide range of writers, especially in the students, teachers, researchers, and other academicians. There are numerous reasons for this increased popularity of sentence rephraser free online tools such as accuracy, reliability, a wide range of features, functions, and capabilities. Let’s have an overview of a reword sentence generator and the top functions supported by a specialized sentence changer tool and the top questions to consider while checking your paper in this article.

Errors to Fix with Online Sentence Changer Software
An online sentence structure corrector is a cloud-based web application to find and fix the mistakes in the sentences of your writing online. It is very specialized software, which is based on cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine translation (MT), natural language processing (NLP), and others, which improve the quality of your writings tremendously.
A professional-level online sentence changer improves the quality of your text by finding/fixing the following major mistakes in your paper: active and passive voice mistakes, sentence structure mistakes, prepositional phrases misuses, run-on sentences, word choice mistakes, verb-subject disagreements, comma splicing, spelling, grammatical, punctuation errors, capitalization mistakes, shift in verb-tenses, apostrophe mistakes, sentence fragments, plagiarism issues, and more.
Full Range of Top Functions of English Sentence Changer Online
Paraphrase Sentence to Avoid Plagiarism
The most important function of an online sentence checker is to rephrase sentence online to make your text 100% accurate and professional. Paraphrasing a sentence online has become a very easy, effective, and reliable activity with the help of online tools. You are not required to follow a large list of grammatical rules regarding paraphrasing English sentences. You just enter your sentences into the online tools to convert them into a new and unique piece of writing free from any plagiarism and other grammatical mistakes. This entire process takes just a few seconds to complete online at any time and from anywhere in the world.
Convert Passive Voice to Active
The misuses of active and passive voices in your writing are no more a big problem to detect and fix with the help of a powerful feature of online passive sentence changer tools. The modern passive to active voice converter tool offers the functionality to convert active to passive and passive to active sentences instantly with a higher level of accuracy and reliability.
An online tool detects any misuses related to both active and passive voices and corrects them accordingly. If you want to convert from active to passive and passive to active, an online active voice changer does it for you perfectly.
Change Tenses in a Sentence
As you know, the tense-verb shifts in sentences, paragraphs, or in the entire article are one of the most critical problems in English writing. The use of tenses improperly is also one of the very common mistakes made by the writers, especially the students using English as a second language (ESL).
An online passive voice checker can change the wrong use of tenses in sentences as well as to detect and correct different types of tense-verb shifts in paragraphs and in sentences to make your writing more accurate, properly toned, professional-looking. A wide range of additional features of a sentence changer to avoid plagiarism, grammatical mistakes, and the detection of tones of your text are also very important parts of the functional capability set of an online tool. These features help you make your writing free from other mistakes related to parts of speech, spellings, text tones, effectiveness, and many others.
Change Sentence Structure
The structure of a sentence is a very fundamental component of any professional-grade academic writing. If different parts of a sentence such as subject, verb, object, predicate, and connecting phrases are not properly placed and structured in line with the grammar rules and writing standards, the entire sentence will become very difficult to read and confusing to provide the core idea of the sentence.
An online tool offers the function to detect such lengthy, unstructured, and confusing sentences and correct them in the light of modern writing principles and grammatical rules pertaining to the sentence structure so that your text becomes free from mistakes related to the sentence structures.
Change Complex Sentence to Simple Sentence
Another important function of an online sentence changer is to make your paper or any other writing simpler, easy to understand, and more professional by converting the long and complex sentences into precise and simple sentences so that the reader can easily grasp the core idea of your writing and your writing may be able to leave a good impression on the minds of the audience.
The simplification is done by modifying the word choices, voices, and the structure of the sentences with the help of modern algorithms used in the modern linguistic approaches and machine learning field. With the help of an online sentence checker, you can improve your writing from all aspects of writing in line with modern writing standards, linguistic guidelines, and grammar rules.
Change the Wording of My Sentence
The use of the most suitable words in a sentence is very tricky stuff for both students and novice writers. There are numerous words, which are very similar in meaning as well as the way they are used in the sentences. This situation makes the writers commit different types of writing mistakes related to the right choice of words.
A specialized online sentence changer offers the functionality of changing the unmatching wording of the sentence to make the sentence look more professional and easier to produce the desired meaning of the sentence for the audience.
How to Rewrite My Sentence to Ensure My Writing Is Accurate and Plagiarism-Free?
Rewriting or paraphrasing is one of the most crucial processes commonly adopted by modern writers, especially those writers who deal with online or web-based content. Paraphrasing can be accomplished either manually or through an online software tool.
Rewriting sentences manually and making them free from the plagiarized content and grammatical mistakes are governed by certain paraphrasing techniques and grammatical rules. You need to take care of a long list of those techniques and rules for paraphrasing your text manually. A few of those techniques extensively used for the manual paraphrasing of text are listed below:
✓ Revise sentence structure
✓ Use synonym words
✓ Use different words connecting two phrases
✓ Different definition structures must be used
✓ Attribution signals should always be relocated
✓ Change the forms of numbers, figures, percentiles, currencies, and other markers
✓ Replace the existing parts of speeches with the other parts of speeches properly
✓ No proper noun and citation should be altered at all
✓ And many grammatical and writing techniques
The other way of rewriting the sentences free from any kinds of plagiarism and grammatical mistakes is the use of an online sentence checker tool. An online paraphrasing tool can make a wide range of copies of paraphrased content out of your original content instantly.
What Questions to Consider to Ensure Your Paper Is 100% Accurate While Using Sentence Rewriter?
There are numerous aspects to consider for making your paper 100% accurate while using a sentence rewriter. The tone, accuracy, effectiveness, objectivity, and paper format are a few very important ones. To achieve 100% accuracy of your paper, you need to ask a wide range of questions and get the right answers to those questions based on the content of your paper. A few of those very important questions that you need to consider for making your paper 100% accurate are listed below.
✓ Are the structures of sentences in my paper correct?
✓ Is my paper free from all comma splice and run-on sentences?
✓ Is my paper free from all grammatical mistakes?
✓ Is my paper free from any spelling issues?
✓ Are there any prepositional phrases and prepositional mistakes in my paper?
✓ Is my paper free from any kind of plagiarized content?
✓ Is my paper to the point and precise?
✓ Is the majority of the content written in active voice?
✓ Is the tone of the paper suitable for the audience?
✓ Are there any overuses of adverbs to make paper clumsy?
✓ Are squinting or ambiguous modifiers available in the paper?
✓ Is there any use of ambiguous pronouns in your paper?
✓ Is the choice of words in the entire paper accurate?
✓ Is my paper free from any kinds of tautologies?
✓ Is the format of my paper in line with the writing standards?
Every paraphrased version or copy of your text is not only unique in terms of copyright infringement but also free from all other mistakes related to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Online paraphrasing is a very easy and so simple process. Take the following simple steps to get your text changed or paraphrased instantly.
1) Copy and paste the desired text into the widget or input text field of the tool
2) Click the paraphrase my text button to run the software
3) The text is changed instantly
4) Just save the copy of the text
5) You are done!